Snitches Get Stitches - Nicho de Cliche #4

Snitches Get Stitches - Nicho de Cliche #4


The Nicho de Cliche series uses Mexican punched tin dioramas to frame small beaded embroidery artworks, each featuring a different cliche. By showcasing these often used, ubiquitous phrases inside of alters, they are elevated to something nearly sacrosanct.

#4 in the series is “Snitches Get Stitches.” This phrase gained its notoriety in the gang world during the mid 1900s as a snappy way to remind one not to report untoward behavior to the authorities. For extra emphasis you might add “in ditches” because if being injured to the point of needing sutures isn’t enough of a threat, just imagine lying in a depression along the side of the road while doing so and maybe THEN you’ll keep your trap shut.

I find this phrase extra funny because I stitch all day. That’s why I placed it inside a hand. Because I stitch. By hand. GET IT? Of course you do.

Mediums: punched tin frame, fabric, thread, beads, sequins

There is a hook on the back of the frame for hanging.

Measurements: 7”x5”x1” (frame), 2.5”x3”x1” (textile art)

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